Jonas Lund
1984 Born in Sweden, based in Berlin and Amsterdam
2013 MA, Piet Zwar Institute, Rotterdam
2009 BFA, Gerrit Rietveld Academie, Amsterdam
.."you have the whole world of online art, online production methods, the community, which felt very empowering. You can start your day with the simple idea of making something and then, at the end of the day, everyone can see it. That seemed much more engaging to me, opening new possibilities." -Jonas Lund for SCHIRN MAG
Jonas Lund creates paintings, sculptures, photography, websites and performances that critically reflect contemporary networked systems and power structures of control. His artistic practice involves creating systems and setting up parameters that oftentimes require engagement from the viewer. This results in performative artworks where tasks are executed according to algorithms or a set of rules. Through his works, Lund investigates the latest issues generated by the increasing digitalisation of contemporary society like authorship, participation and distribution of agency. At the same time, he questions the mechanisms of the art world; he challenges the production process, authoritative power and art market practices.
The Uncanny Imaginary of Jonas Lund’s AI Corporate World, ArtReview, 2023
Ohne Mitwirkung des Menschen ist es keine Kunst, Handelsblatt, 2023
Jonas Lund in a talks with Anika Meier, Hans Ulrich Obrist and Sarah Meyohas, Right Click Save, 2022
Interview with Jonas Lund, Collectors Agenda, 2019
How Jonas Lund is radicalizing NFT art, GET TO TEXT, 2021
Jonas Lund: Modern Solutions require Modern Problems, ARTIST TALK, 2019
Interview by by Aude Launay, Zérodeux interview, 2018
Selected exhibitions
Interactions 2024, Bundeskunsthalle, Bonn, DE
Decoding the Black Box, Galerie Stadt Sindelfingen, Sindelfingen, DE
Close Reading, OFFICE IMPART, Berlin, DE
FUTURES, Anna Kultys Gallery, London, UK (s)
It’s not You, It’s Me, Nieuwe Dakota, Amsterdam, NL
The Poetics of the Immaterial from Certification to Blockchain, Centre Pompidou, Paris, FR
Collective Worldbuilding – Art in the Metaverse, HEK (Haus der Elektronischen Künste), Basel, CHE
Notes from the Ether, ArtScience Museum, Singapore, SGP
REBOOT, Pioneering Digital Art, Nieuwe Instituut, Rotterdam Web To Verse, Modal Gallery, Manchester, UK
Most Accidents Happen at Home, on, online (s)
My name is Jonas Lund and I approve this Message, Ryan Lee Gallery, New York, US (s)
In the Middle of Nowhere II, ANNKA KULTYS GALLERY, London, UK (s)
In the Middle of Nowhere, OFFICE IMPART, Berlin, DE (s)
Edenworld, le Bel Ordinaire – espace d’art contemporain, Billière, FR
The digital collection – part 1, Francisco Carolinum, OÖ Art, Linz
Behind the Screen, Coda Museum, Apeldoorn, NL
Of Their Time (7), A Look At Private Collections, FRAC – Nord-Pas de Calais, Dunkerque
Who Is Online? Game Art in the Age of Post NFTISM, HEK – Haus der Elektronischen Künste, Basel, online
Continuous Shift, Kristianstaad Konsthall, Kristianstad, SE
Studio Visit: How to Make Art in the Age of Algorithmns, Francisco Carolinum, OÖ Art, Linz, AT (s)
Walk with Me, Distant Gallery, Online (s)
MVP, W1 Curates, London (s), UK
Unsafe At Any Speed, Morton Street Partners, New York, US
Tomorrow is a Different Day, Stedelijk Museum, Amsterdam, NL
Art and the Blockhain, Former SMBA, Eth Devcon, Amsterdam, NL
I Am Not A Robot, Gallorie, Dubai, AE
NfTNeTArT, from Net Art to Art NFT, a cooperation between and
t₀ – a new era, Dunkers kulturhus, Helsingborg, SE
Roch, Issoudun, FR
Proof of Art, Francisco Carolinum, OÖ Art, Linz, AT
JONAS LUND. FOR YOU, Galleria Bianconi, Milan, IT (s)
A User Friendly Exhibition, Ryder Projects, Madrid, ES (s)
ON THIS DAY, KÖNIG Galerie, Berlin / Decentraland, Online (s)
Invest in Jonas Lund, Interface, SPARK Art Fair, Untitled Projects, Vienna, AT (s)
The Artist is Online, KÖNIG Galerie, Berlin / Decentraland, Online
Friendly Advice, moz://a festival, with Sarah Allen, Online
Passages, MAXXI – Museo nazionale delle arti del XXI secolo, Rome, IT
Sans Objet, Centre Pompidou, Paris, FR
Extremeño a Iberoamericano de Arte Contemporáneo, Badajoz, ES
We=Link: Sideways, Online Plattform ‚We=Link’, in cooperation with HeK Basel
Come Closer!, Online Exhibition with OFFICE IMPART
BETTER OFF ONLINE | WORLD WIDE WEBB, König Digital, König Galerie, Online
OPENCOIL – The roaming Speedshow, Haus der Statistik, 10 random selected e-scooters, Berlin, DE
AI: Love and Artificial Intelligence, curated by Jenny Chenjiaying, Hyundai Motor studio, Beijing, CN
Year 01, Online Game, with Alexandra Prici at Paranoia TV, Steirischer Herbst 2020, Online
Enter Art Fair, with OFFICE IMPART, Copenhagen, DK
I just stare at my computer waiting for something to happen, HeK Net Works,
Haus der elektronischen Künste Basel, Online
Call Me Maybe, Unttld Contemporary, Vienna, AT (s)
Neurones, Centre Pompidou, Paris, FR
Algotaylorism, La Kunsthalle, Mulhouse, FR
Link In Bio, MdbK, Museum der bildenden Künste Leipzig, DE
Cultural Matter: Jonas Lund, Lima, Amsterdam, NL (s)
Smart Contracts, Reflector Gallery, Bern, CH (s)
Modern Solutions Require Modern Problems, Aksioma, Ljubljana, SI(s)
Operation Earnest Voice: Brexit Division, The Photographers’ Gallery, London, UK (s)
Blocumenta, Art Space, Sydney, AU
Behind The Screen, KINDL – Zentrum für zeitgenössische Kunst, Berlin, DE
Jonas Lund Token (JLT), Art Düsseldorf with Unttld Contemporary (s)
N Football, Allianz Arena, Public Art Munich 2018 , DE (s)
Operation Earnest Voice, V2, Rotterdam, NL (s)
Jonas Lund & Timm Ulrichs, Unttld Contemporary, Vienna, AT (s)
Proof of Work, Schinkel Pavillon, Berlin, DE
Ethereal Summit, The Knockdown Center, New York City, USA
Transmediale, HKW, Haus der Kulturen der Welt, Berlin, DE
Timm Ulrichs / Jonas Lund, PIK, Melange, Cologne, DE (s)
Critical Mass, Galerie Édouard-Manet, Paris, FR (s)
The Internet Express, Panke Gallery, Berlin, DE (s)
Away on Vacation, Steve Turner, Los Angeles, USA (s)
Mutual Display, Der Würfel, Neumeister Bar-Am, Berlin, DE (s)
Stedelijk Base, Stedelijk Museum, Amsterdam, NL
Art Brussels, Steve Turner Gallery, Brussels, BE
*(s) solo exhibition
2016 Residency at Capacete, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
2014 Residency at The Moving Museum, Istanbul, Turkey
2012 – 2013 Residency at Eyebeam/Baltan Labs Residency, New York City / Eindhoven
Public Collections
His work is included in the public collections of Centre Pompidou, the Stedelijk Museum, Amsterdam, Tent Rotterdam, OÖ Art Landes-Kultur, Linz, Ministry of Foreign Affairs Netherlands, De Nederlandsche Bank, ZKM | Center for Art and Media, Karlsruhe, MACBA Barcelona Museum of Contemporary Art, Barcelona and European Central Bank (ECB) among others.
Check out the Saleroom with current works of Jonas Lund. For more information contact us.