at the Gallery

"Being in the Garden of Forking Paths“ 
Salomé Chatriot, Crosslucid, Pola Sieverding
17.07 – 23.08.2024
Opening, 17.7. 6 – 9 pm


Jan Robert Leegte
Sep – Oct 2024

Janas Lund – 'Bit Operations'
on view at Node. Exploring the Boundaries of Digital Art

'„Bit Operations“ is an visual exploration of computer fundamentals through bit-shifting operations. The visuals are generated by continuously shifting and combining binary patterns, resulting in evolving compositions of stark pixels and geometric shapes. The accompanying audio components are synthesized from this same modulating bit data.'

For more information please contact us via email.

Node is an ongoing project by OFFICE IMPART and a platform for the presentation and mediation of digital art.



Salomé Chatriot's work is being shown for the first time in an institutional setting in Germany and is part of the impressive group show 'Between pixel and pigment. Hybrid painting in post-digital times' at Museum Marta Herford
up till 10. November 2024

Anna Ehrenstein is part of the exhibition 'Der Sammlung zugeneigt. Fotomuseum Winterthur' at Fotomuseum Winterthur. This presentation of the Fotomuseum Winterthur's collection is realized in cooperation with the art foundation DZ BANK.
Up till 28.September 2024

If in Bonn – dont miss to visit Bundeskunsthalle – Jonas Lund is part of the exhibtion Interactions 2024 and with his work Race Condition on the hugh museums LED Wall outside. Up till 27.10.

Anna Ehrenstein ist part of the groupshow SEX REENCHANTED at Heidelberger Kunstverein, next to Daphne Ahlers, Dalila Dalléas Bouzar, CANAN, Monia Ben Hamouda, Åžafak Åžule Kemancı, Tabita Rézaire, Zoe Williams 
Up till 22.09.2024

Lena Marie Emrich hat das Bühnenbild und die Kostüme für ein neues Stück an der Schaubühne gestaltet.
>>Enjoy Schatz<<
In einer Fassung von Jovana Reisinger, Regie Sarah Kohm, mit Veronika Bachfischer und Elisa Leroy
Uraufführung, im Studio am 27.06.2024

Hannah Sophie Dunkelberg is part of the group show 'Von Wolken und anderen Lügen' at Galerie Eigen + Art
Up till 31. August 2024

Anna Ehrenstein is showing in the new artist space her Protest Praxis / Tupamaras Technophallus as part of the exhibition „Just as we are“ in Weserburg Bremen 
From March 16th onwards

Tagespiegel recently featured an article by Birgit Rieger about our last exhibition, Constant DullaartAccepting the Job“.

Pola Sieverding talks about her art and the theatre in the KUNSTFORUM interview with Thomas W. Kuhn

‘How AI is revolutionising art'
WELTKUNST Magazin is also concerned with this topic and has dedicated its current issue to this question
Very proud that  Ana Maria Caballero with the ‘BEING BORGES’ series and Damjanski with his work series ‚Unhuman Compositions’ are featured




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