Down the Silicon Meadow

Down the Silicon Meadow
Afroscope, Alexandra Crouwers, Bianca Shonee Arroyo-Kreimes, Cezar Mocan, CROSSLUCID, Nathaniel Stern, Yoshi Sodeoka
23.01. – 27.06. 2025
Co-Curated by Diane Druby / Blueshift and Anne Schwanz / OFFICE IMPART

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Physical presentation of Down the Silicon Meadow
01.02. – 07.02. 2025
at OFFICE IMPART, Waldenserstr. 2–4, 10551 Berlin


Presented by OFFICE IMPART and Blueshift, Down the Silicon Meadow features works by seven contemporary artists calling us to expand cohabitation beyond humans, plants and animals to include machines and technologies. The artists look at connections between organic and synthetic systems, rewilding, and coexistence to see how the two might interact with each other. From machines that sense natural patterns to visualizing technological waste as fertile ground, the works depict ecosystems—real and speculative—where blurred boundaries foster collaboration, resilience, and transformation. Available on the artist-run platform, the virtual show presents a variety of mediums including digital animation, sound, real-time simulations  and photography. Artworks can be collected on

Five percent of the revenue will go to the NGO One Earth. One Earth is a nonprofit organization working to accelerate collective action to solve the interconnected crises of biodiversity loss and climate change through groundbreaking science, inspiring media, and an innovative approach to climate philanthropy. 

Curatorial Statement
by Diane Drubay

What if machines could learn from the cycles of a forest? What if they could carve stones like rivers in need of passage, or grow like roots reaching for water? Down the Silicon Meadow explores a world where nature and technology are not competing for dominance but are rather allies, developing side by side. Inspired by biomimicry and ecological entanglement, this exhibition is a story of coexistence, challenging the dualities we know too much: human vs. non-human, nature vs. machine, living vs. non-living. In this vision, machines don’t just use and copy nature—they live with it and within it. They mimic it, adapt to it, and respond to it. It asks us to see the world as one interconnected ecosystem.

The body of work presented in Down the Silicon Meadow forms a lush, interconnected landscape of ideas. AFROSCOPE’s work, “Living Technology” invites us to consider the spiritual unity of human bodies and the energy of the Earth, and see technology as a part of nature itself. Alexandra Crouwers’ “Tools (v003)” merges digital remnants with the first human tools to form a speculative time capsule of a collective identity. Bianca Shonee Arroyo-Kreimes’ “Vessel” envisions hybrid ecosystems that travel through cosmic oceans to spread life. Cezar Mocan’s “World Upstream” depicts a surreal scenario of AI leisure in a rewilded environment. CROSSLUCID’s “The Ocean Has Never Been Binary ~ Oceanic Whispers” is a call to remix and, essentially, to dissolve boundaries, just as the ocean reshapes its shores. In his series "The World After Us, ” which combines techno-waste and plant life, Nathaniel Stern envisions a posthuman reclaiming of digital detritus. Yoshi  Sodeoka’s “Solar Arbor” sets birds and urban geometries into hypnotic loops to redraw the interplay of natural patterns and human-made systems. Among these artworks, regeneration and hybridity are becoming witnesses of the dissolving of hierarchies between nature and machine.

Presented on the artist-run virtual platform, the experience offers an intimate and communal journey. Visitors are invited to wander freely in a virtual meadow, like a virtual dance between artworks. reimagines the gallery space as one of connection rather than consumption—a playful, adaptive environment shaped by conversation and curiosity.




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