Jonathan Chomko 'Proof of Work'

Jonathan Chomko
Proof of Work

01 June – 16 June, 2023
Wed – Fri, 3 – 6 pm

Opening on 10.06. 12 – 8 pm

The Proof of Work is an ongoing performative practice which will start on 01 June and will have the official Opening on 10 June.

Proof of Work
Proof of Work is a series of manually generated images where physical gesture is directly correlated with visual density. Sold as non-fungible tokens, the series is both an enactment of the experience of being an artist in NFTism, as well as a challenge to the metrics NFT markets use to determine the value of an artwork.

Red Blue Center
One tap on the laptop trackpad creates one graphic pixel. The mix of colour is determined by the absolute position of the tap, the proportion of blue on the y axis and red on the x axis. The artist attempts to fill the screen with solid colour, by consistently tapping the same point on the trackpad, but as the scale of the task increases, variation and patterns appear which attest to the manual process of production.

Red Blue Center is the focus of a solo show at OFFICE IMPART, where works were produced daily in the gallery, and displayed as prints. 
The sale opens Thursday June 15 at 9am PDT, 12pm EST, 6pm CET
through a descending price auction, from 4 to 0.4 ETH.

About Jonathan Chomko
Jonathan Chomko (b. 1988, Canada) is an artist working with and against technology. His works examine the seam between physical and digital worlds, exploring how digital forces translate into and act upon the physical world, and how physical phenomena and expression are modulated as they enter the digital.  

Chomko’s work has been exhibited at institutions such as the Museum of 21st Century Arts (Italy, 2013), Sydney Opera House (Australia, 2014), Media Ambition Tokyo (Japan, 2016), and London Design Museum (UK, 2015), Cube Design Museum (Netherlands, 2020) and Theatre du Chatelet (France, 2020).  His public work has been shown in Bristol (UK, 2014), London (UK 2016), Tokyo (Japan 2016), Austin (USA 2019), and Paris (France, 2020). His work is held in public and private collections in the UK, Canada and Japan.

The Drop of the final series of Proof of Work will be at on 15 June, at 9am PDT, 12pm EST, 6pm CET




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